Essay On Time Wasted Is Time Lost Forever

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Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website! Time never returns and its wise, judicious, useful utilization brings rich dividends to a person. For example, careful utilization of time on studies in young age rewards anyone with a good post afterwards and ensures a plentiful, Prosperous livelihood for the rest of life. Likewise, careful use time in youth helps a man make a prestigious place for himself in society.

It earns him name, fame as well as Prosperity. But the tragedy is that many of us have absolutely no idea of the value of time in life.

Essay On Time Wasted Is Time Lost Forever

We perform our jobs in a haphazard way, miss appointments with ease and arrive late for any appointment, however important it may be. It is too hate for us to learn, much to our grief that time and tide wait for no man.

Time Wasted Is Time Lost Forever


Essay on time once lost is lost forever lost. November 21, 2018 Essay on time once lost is lost forever lost. A river runs through it essay themes for utopia. Essay on time once lost is lost forever the princess دسته‌بندی. ← Now is the time to take a step back.

Due respect for time rewards us with wealth as well as success. When a work is delayed, the time which could have been profitably used is wasted. Time lost is lost forever. There is no dearth of people in this world who complain that they have never had any luck and so have remained poor. We will write a custom sample essay on Delay and Time specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.90 /page But the reality, however, is that many cases of poverty are on account of the wasted opportunities and deferred tasks. Don’t forget that quite often we have to pay a very heavy price for delaying things.

Essay On Time Wasted Is Time Lost Forever Youtube

The person who prolongs taking insurance of his house usually regrets his folly, when the house is gutted by a sudden fire. Delay in the treatment of a disease may lead to its worsening and may, finally, even result in death. The student, who goes on postponing studies, never gets time to prepare for the examination and does very badly at the end. He remains under great mental strain and may even get confused in the examination hall at the time of writing his answers. A timely action in any direction, whatsoever, is a guarantee for success and perfection.

Essay On Time Wasted Is Time Lost Forever Chords

This is why the wise often say ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ There are a number of other proverbs conveying almost the same meaning. Thus we say: “Make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot; time and tide wait for none; and “never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today.” But at the same time, we also have a few proverbs which contradict these proverbs. We say: “Haste makes waste; more haste, less speed; look before you leap” and “slow and steady wins the race.” But all these contradictory pieces of advice say only to be judicious and thoughtful. None of them asks you to waste an opportunity. In our limited period of short life, we have lots of things to do and hence the urgent need of managing our time properly and make the best use of each and every moment at our disposal. We shall be saved from regret, stress, tension and humiliation and will be able to make all-round progress, only if we understand properly how dangerous delay is and how important and precious time is!

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