My School Essay On Doctor Toys

My school essay on doctor toys online

Search topics: My Aim in Life essay writing my aim in life short essay essay on my aim in life to become a doctor essay on my aim in life. W hatever we aim for, our lives should be designed around it. Some people aim to become doctor and some want to be engineer. Through undergraduate school I will further my education so I may apply to. Sample essay on My Ambition. Kids can use this essay as a model and write their own essay. Generally, school children should have ambitions. My ambition is to become a doctor. I have to study hard to become a doctor. It is necessary to enter the Medical College and follow clinical medicine. I need to be a doctor who kind to his patients. This is a short essay on “My Aim in Life”. Introduction: Aim (in life) refers to the strong intention to achieve something. Everybody should have an aim in life.A man without an aim in life is merely a toy of circumstances. He drifts aimlessly and can never achieve success in his life. Short Application Essay for Pharmacy School Pharmacy is an interesting and ever-changing field in our world today. An especially intriguing aspect of this profession is the wide spectrum of opportunities available. With such a versatile degree as a Doctor of Pharmacy, the possibilities for my future are exciting.


I love going to school and I have always taken my studies very seriously. I have never said to anyone in my life, that 'I hate studies'. Many people find me as a geek, but I only see that as a compliment rather than an insult. I have got big dreams, when it comes to studies. Since I was 6 years old, I decided to be a doctor. So that is my goal and I always try to aim to do my best at school, so hopefully my hard work will pay off in the end. I don't really know why I decided to be a doctor. I just love hospitals.

Essay on doctor for children

Although I do feel very sorry whenever I see the poor patients in there, but just the fact that we have got hospitals to cure people is a great thing. Caring for people has always been my desire.

Whenever I see someone, who I think need careness or help, I am always willing to help them.

A doctor looks after the sick persons and prescribes medicines that give them relief. He is an important person. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his clinic. He works day and night. A doctor knows how to treat and cure sick people. He also knows how to dress and heal wounds. A doctor is a great friend of the sick.


He always speaks politely so that the patients feel comfortable. He never gets irritated and does his best for the sick.

A doctor's life is hard. He or she does not have much time for sleep and rest. He has to remain on duty in the hospital. A doctor fights disease and death. He saves many lives.

He speaks softly to his patients. A doctor's profession is noble. A doctor is just like God for the patients. We should be grateful to the doctor. We must respect him.